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Amendment Nine
A – Anti-federalists argued that a Bill of Rights would be dangerous.
M – Madison introduced the ninth amendment to the House of Representatives.
E – Enumerating all the rights of the people was impossible.
N – Naming the rights does not take away the rights that are not named.
D – Debates occurred over the constitution and the Bill of Rights.
M – Many of the federalists continued thinking that a Bill of Rights was unnecessary.
E – Every year federal courts are asked new enumerated rights.
N – Ninth amendment basically means that in the constitution nothing written in it can be used to cancel amendments to it.
T – Today, the ninth amendment is mainly used to stop the government from gaining too much power.
N – Nobody will be denied from their rights.
I – It does not give any rights, but it just makes a statement about them.
N – Now even today we still have the Bill of Rights.
E – Each of the people’s rights could not be listed.
American Revolution: Spies
Coding is very fun. I did the Star Wars coding and when I was doing it, the beginning was really easy but at the end it started to get a lot more difficult.
American Flag
We probably will never know who made the first flag, but I have a very good idea about who designed it, which is Francis Hopkinson, and I know this because they found several letters between him and the government about his design work on several projects including the flag. He was a New Jersey representative to the Continental Congress. He also played a rule in creating the seal of the United States and the American dollar. Documents also show he worked on the official United States flag. That is why I think that it is Francis Hopkinson.
Patroit Poem
In the American Revolutionary War he helped find Vermont.
Allen and his men let Arnold join.
He spent time in jail.
Allen was exchanged.
Ethan Allen
Vermont became independent.
Allen did not fight again.
Ethan Allen organized the green Mountain Boys.
He fought with Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War.
Pearl Harbor Poem
President Roosevelt called the day “a date which will live infamy”.
Each of these men John Finn, Doris Miller, and Edwin Hill are all hero’s of the day.
At 7:55 am the Japanese attacked.
Reports came out that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
Lives were lost on December 7, 1941.
Help was slow in coming so three battleships, the Arizona, the California, and the West Virginia were sunk.
American-Japanese intense rivalry in the Pacific was major cause of the War.
Remaining in the ocean, the USS Arizona has its final resting place.
Bombs were dropped during World War 2.
On that day many lives were lost.
Rest in peace hero’s.
Colonial Life
My job as a Apothecary is very important to lots of people. I help people with sicknesses and also mix medicine. Lots of people visit me to ask for medicine so they will feel better. I am all most like a doctor, we do lots of similar and each sell medicine. People like me sell prepared medicine from England, we learned about native plants used by the Indians, and we keep a garden to grow roots and herbs we need to mix cures. There is some medicine that would help the flu called Horehound Tea. There is some other useful medicine like Spearmint, it is good for stomachs. Like I said an Apothecary is very important to lots of people.
When Homecoming Comes
For White Oak, Homecoming is a very special day because they only have it every three years. The reason why is because during World War 2 alumni were unable to return until three years. They waited for them to return home and decided to make Homecoming every three years a tradition. That is why White Oak’s Homecoming is special.
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